“I hope that for you [studying the scriptures] will become something far more enjoyable than a duty; that, rather, it will become a love affair with the word of God. I promise you that as you read, your minds will be enlightened and your spirits will be lifted” (President Gordon B. Hinckley “The Light within You,” Ensign, May 1995, 99).
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Lesson 16: I Was Blind, Now I See
John 9–10
• Jesus healed a man who had been born blind (John 9:1–7). How did the healed man’s testimony grow as he continued to share it? (See John 9:11, 17, 33, 38.) How has your testimony grown as you have shared it?
• How did the parents of the man who had been blind respond when the Pharisees asked them about the miracle? (See John 9:18–23.) Why did the parents respond this way? (See John 9:22.) How are we sometimes like this man’s parents? How can you be more valiant in your testimony?
• In Jesus’ discussion of the shepherd and his sheep, whom do the sheep represent? (See John 10:4, 27.) Who is the shepherd? (See John 10:11.) What are some qualities of a good shepherd? (See John 10:3–4, 7, 9–15.) How is Jesus the perfect example of a shepherd?
Suggestion for Family Discussion
Read John 9:1–38, asking family members to look for ways the Savior helped the blind man see both physically and spiritually. Discuss how spiritual sight and physical sight are alike and different. Ask family members to discuss ways they can increase their ability to “see” gospel truths.
Scripture Chain: Jesus Christ—“The Good Shepherd”
Psalm 23:1–6
Isaiah 40:11
Ezekiel 34:11–12
John 10:11
Mosiah 26:21
Alma 5:60
Conclusion: Jesus is the Light of the World and the Good Shepherd. The Lord has helped me to see spiritually and to follow him both through trials and through time of celebration. My life would not be what it is without his guidance, love, and support. May each of us come to know the Good Shepherd so that we may be guided and protected through this life.
Lesson 15: I Am the Light of the World
John 7–8
• What did Jesus instruct the people to do to gain a testimony of his teachings? (See John 7:17.) How can you apply this instruction in your life?
• What does it mean that Jesus is the light of the world? (See the scripture chain in this section.) How can you help others see the light that Christ offers? (See Matthew 5:16; 28:18–20; Philippians 2:14–15.)
• What did Jesus promise to those who would continue to follow him? (See John 8:31–32.) What does truth free us from? (See John 8:33–34.) How does committing sin place us in bondage? (See Alma 12:11; 34:35.) How has knowing the truth made you free?
Suggestion for Family Discussion
Turn off the lights in the room, and close the curtains or blinds. Ask a family member to do a simple task requiring sight, such as reading a scripture or describing a picture. Then turn on the lights, open the curtains or blinds, and ask the family member to do the task again. Discuss why it is easier to do the task with the light on. Read John 8:12, and ask family members to discuss ways that Jesus Christ is the light of the world.
Jesus Christ—“The Light of the World”
Scripture Chain:
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Lesson 14: “Who Is My Neighbour?
Matthew 18; Luke 10
• What is Jesus’ counsel to those who desire to achieve true greatness in his kingdom? (See Matthew 18:2–4; Mark 9:35.) How can we become more childlike and more submissive to the will of our Father in Heaven?
• In teaching the parable of the unmerciful servant, Jesus emphasized the importance of forgiving others (Matthew 18:23–35) . How are we like the king’s servant in our debt to the Lord? What can you learn from the king’s example in forgiving others? What are some of the dangers of not forgiving others? (See Matthew 18:34–35.)
• What can you learn from the parable of the good Samaritan? (See Luke 10:25–37.) How have you been blessed by “good Samaritans”? How can you be a “good Samaritan”? (See Mosiah 4:26.)
**There is a remarkable article that provides incredible insight that I would highly recommend reviewing! Here is the link: http://lds.org/liahona/2007/02/the-good-samaritan-forgotten-symbols?lang=eng&query=parable+unmerciful+servant . The title is: The Good Samaritan: Forgotten Symbols By John W. Welch; Brigham Young University professor, J. Reuben Clark Law School, and editor in chief, BYU Studies
Suggestion for Family Discussion Read the parable of the good Samaritan (Luke 10:25–37). Give particular attention to the Savior’s invitation to “go, and do thou likewise” (Luke 10:37). Then make a list of your friends, relatives, and other acquaintances, asking each family member to contribute at least one name to the list. Make plans to serve one or two of the people on the list in the coming week.
As part of this family discussion, you may want to sing together “Have I Done Any Good?” (Hymns, no. 223).
Scripture Chain: “Love Thy Neighbour” Luke 10:25–37
Leviticus 19:18
Matthew 22:35–40
John 13:34–35
Mosiah 2:17
D&C 38:24–25
Conclusion: We can follow the Savior’s example by humbling ourselves, forgiving others, and showing charity for one another. May each of us live these teachings.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Lesson 9: Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God
Purpose: To encourage class members to become more dedicated disciples of Jesus Christ.
1. True disciples do right things for right reasons.
2. True disciples follow the Savior’s example of prayer.
3. True disciples treat others kindly and fairly.
4. True disciples serve God and do his will.
Conclusion: It is ever so important that we follow our Savior, Jesus Christ. I would encourage you to consider what you need to do to become better disciples of Christ.
Matthew 6-7
• What will be the reward for people who do good things to be seen by others? (See Matthew 6:2, 5, 16.) What things might we do to be seen by others instead of to please God? How can we purify our motives for serving and performing other good works?
• The teaching in Matthew 7:12 is often called the Golden Rule. What experiences have shown you the value of this principle? How does following the Golden Rule make us better disciples of Jesus Christ?
• Jesus promised that if we “seek … first the kingdom of God,” we will be given all other things that we need (Matthew 6:33). What experiences have helped you gain a testimony of this promise?
Suggestions for Family Discussion
1. Display a stone and a pile of sand. Ask family members which material they would use as a foundation for a house. Read Matthew 7:24–27, and discuss how building our lives on the Savior’s teachings is like building a house on a firm foundation of rock.
2. Display a map. Ask family members how a map could help them plan a trip. If your family has recently taken a trip or will take one soon, discuss how a map was used or will be used on the trip. Explain that in our journey toward eternal life, the scriptures and the teachings of the living prophets are like a map, helping us know how to return to our Heavenly Father.
Scripture Chain: Living as Disciples of Christ
Matthew 16:24–25
Matthew 7:21
John 8:31
John 13:35
2 Nephi 31:10–13
Moroni 7:48
Monday, February 14, 2011
Lesson 8: The Sermon on the Mount: A More Excellent Way

Matthew 5
• How can Latter-day Saints be “the light of the world”? (Matthew 5:14; see also verse Matthew 5:16).
• How are the Savior’s teachings in Matthew 5:22–24, 28, 34–37, 39–40, and Matthew 5:44–48 higher laws than the laws mentioned in Matthew 5:21, 27, 33, 38, and Matthew 5:43?
• How do the teachings in the Sermon on the Mount help us “come unto Christ, and be perfected in him”? (Moroni 10:32).
Suggestion for Family Discussion
On a chalkboard, poster board, or piece of paper, write the following statement (or another statement that might be more applicable to family members): The teachings in the Sermon on the Mount can help me at school. Ask family members to read a few passages in Matthew 5 and discuss how those passages relate to the statement you have written.
Scripture Chain: Perfection through the Atonement of Jesus Christ
Matthew 5:48
Ether 12:27
Moroni 10:32–33
D&C 76:68–70
Conclusion: The teachings in the Sermon on the Mount help us “come unto Christ, and be perfected in him” (Moroni 10:32).
I dropped the ball...
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Lesson 6: They Straightway Left Their Nets
Our lesson this week is so so good; it is about following Christ. I can't think of anything more important for us to talk about. I am including a portion of a talk that Elder Worthlin gave in General Conference in 2002. This talk provides valuable insight into the scriptures we will discuss on Sunday. ENJOY!
"They were fishermen before they heard the call. Casting their nets into the Sea of Galilee, Peter and Andrew stopped as Jesus of Nazareth approached, looked into their eyes, and spoke the simple words, “Follow me.” Matthew writes that the two fishermen “straightway left their nets, and followed him.”
Then the Son of Man approached two other fishermen who were in a ship with their father, mending their nets. Jesus called to them, “and [James and John] immediately left the ship and their father, and followed [the Lord].” 1
Have you ever wondered what it must have been like to have lived in the days of the Savior? If you had been there, would you have heeded His call “Follow me”?
Perhaps a more realistic question might be, “If the Savior were to call you today, would you be just as willing to leave your nets and follow Him?” I am confident that many would.
But for some, it may not be such an easy decision. Some have discovered that nets, by their very nature, are sometimes not so easy to leave.
Nets come in many sizes and shapes. The nets that Peter, Andrew, James, and John left were tangible objects—tools that helped them earn a living.
We sometimes think of these four men as modest fishermen who did not sacrifice much when they left their nets to follow the Savior. To the contrary, as Elder James E. Talmage, in Jesus the Christ, points out, Peter, Andrew, James, and John were partners in a prosperous business. They “owned their boats and gave employment to other men.” According to Elder Talmage, Simon Peter “was well to do in a material way; and when he once spoke of having left all to follow Jesus, the Lord did not deny that Peter’s sacrifice of temporal possessions was … great.” 2
Later, the net of wealth entrapped a rich young man who claimed that he had obeyed all the commandments from his youth. When he asked the Savior what else he should do to have eternal life, the Master said, “If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and follow me.” When the young man heard that, “he went away sorrowful: for he had great possessions.” 3
Nets are generally defined as devices for capturing something. In a more narrow but more important sense, we might define a net as anything that entices or prevents us from following the call of Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God.
Nets in this context can be our work, our hobbies, our pleasures, and, above all else, our temptations and sins. In short, a net can be anything that pulls us away from our relationship with our Heavenly Father or from His restored Church.
***To read the rest of Elder Worthlin's talk go HERE!
To prepare for our discussion please reference the following scriptures:
Luke 4:14-32; 5; 6:12-16; Matthew 10
• Why was it important that Jesus call Apostles? (See Matthew 9:36–38; 16:19; Mark 3:14–15; John 20:19–21, 23; Ephesians 4:11–15.) Why is it important that the Lord has called Apostles today?
• What do you learn about the powers and responsibilities of Apostles from Jesus’ counsel in Matthew 10? How have you seen latter-day Apostles fulfill these responsibilities?
• How have you been blessed by following the counsel of an Apostle?
Suggestion for Family Discussion
Show the chart of General Authorities from the most recent conference issue of the Church magazine in your area. Help family members recognize and learn the names of the members of the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. Share your feelings about the blessing it is to be led by prophets and apostles.
Scripture Chain: The Calling of an Apostle
Luke 6:13
Matthew 10:5–8
Ephesians 4:11–15
D&C 107:23
D&C 107:33, 35
D&C 112:14
D&C 112:19–22
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Lesson 5: “Born Again”
It is not uncommon to hear people declare, "I want a do over!" You've heard that right?!?!?! I know that I have. Truthfully, there have been times when words have come out of my mouth that I wish I could take back. What if you could wipe the slate clean and start over? Are there things in your life, given the opportunity, you would change? Our lesson this week is about being born again. Remarkably, we can be born again and through the covenant of baptism and the gift of the atonement we can start again clean each week.
John 3-4
• Jesus told Nicodemus that “except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God” (John 3:3). What does it mean to be born again? (See the scripture chain in this section.)
• Read and ponder Alma 5:14–31 as if Alma were speaking to you. What do you need to do personally to be “spiritually … born of God”? (Alma 5:14).
• Jesus told the Samaritan woman that he could give her “living water” (John 4:10). What do you think “living water” means? (See 1 Nephi 11:25; D&C 63:23.) How can we obtain living water? How has this living water blessed you?
Suggestion for Family Discussion: Give each family member a drinking glass. Pour water into each glass, and invite family members to drink the water. Ask family members if they think they will ever need another drink of water. Then read John 4:1–15, and discuss the questions in the third paragraph of this section. Testify that if we will come to Christ and live his gospel, we will receive “everlasting life” (John 4:14).
Scripture Chain: “Born Again”
John 3:3–5
John 3:16–17
Mosiah 5:1–7
Mosiah 27:25–26
Alma 5:14–16
Alma 22:15–18
Conclusion: Just as plants need water to live, we need to follow the Savior and his teachings to be born again and have everlasting life.
Friday, January 21, 2011
Lesson 4: “Prepare Ye the Way of the Lord"
To inspire class members to draw near to the Savior by repenting of their sins, keeping their baptismal covenants, and withstanding temptation.
- Questions to consider:
- •
What message did John preach to prepare the people for the coming of the Savior? (See Matthew 3:1–2.) What does it mean to repent? (See2 Corinthians 7:9–10; Luke 19:8; Mosiah 7:33; D&C 1:31–32; 58:42–43.)
- •
As you read about the Savior’s encounter with Satan in the wilderness, what do you learn about withstanding temptation? (SeeMatthew 4:1–11. See also the footnotes to Matthew 4:1–2, 5–6, 8–9, and 11, which contain the Joseph Smith Translation of these verses.)
- •
After receiving a witness that Jesus was the Messiah, how did Philip answer Nathanael’s doubts? (See John 1:43–46.) What can you do to invite others to “come and see” the Savior?
Suggestion for Family Discussion
Prepare a lesson to help family members who are preparing for baptism or to discuss ways to help converts who will soon be baptized. Discuss why Jesus needed baptism (Matthew 3:13–15; 2 Nephi 31:6–9) and why we need baptism (2 Nephi 31:5, 10–12; D&C 20:71–73; 49:13–14). Invite family members who have been baptized to tell about when they were baptized and express their feelings about the blessings they have received because they were baptized.
Scripture Chain: Repentance
The invitation to “come and see” the Savior is extended to each of us. We can accept that invitation by repenting, being baptized, keeping our baptismal covenants, and withstanding temptation.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Lesson 3: “Unto You Is Born … a Saviour
• What were the circumstances of Jesus’ birth? (See Luke 2:7.) In what ways do people today refuse to make room for the Savior in their lives? What can you do to make room for him in your life?
When he was born, Jesus had the veil over his memory of the premortal life, just as all do. Elder James E. Talmage taught:
"He came among men to experience all the natural conditions of mortality; He was born as truly a dependent, helpless babe as is any other child; His infancy was in all common features as the infancy of others; His boyhood was actual boyhood, His development was as necessary and as real as that of all children. Over His mind had fallen the veil of forgetfulness common to all who are born to earth, by which the remembrance of primeval existence is shut off. The child grew, and with growth there came to Him expansion of mind, development of faculties, and progression in power and understanding." (Jesus the Christ, pg. 111)
• Why did Jesus come to earth? (See 3 Nephi 27:13–16.)
• What did the “wise men from the east” do when they found the child Jesus? (See Matthew 2:11.) What gifts can you offer to the Lord?
• As a youth, Jesus “increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man” (Luke 2:52). In other words, he developed intellectually, physically, spiritually, and socially. What are some specific things you can do to grow intellectually, physically, spiritually, and socially?
Suggestion for Family Discussion
Read lines from several hymns or Primary songs about Jesus’ birth, and invite family members to identify the hymns or songs. Sing one of the hymns or songs as a family, and discuss the importance of remembering Jesus’ birth throughout the year rather than just during the Christmas season.
Scripture Chain: Jesus’ Birth
Isaiah 9:6
Helaman 14:1–8
1 Nephi 11:13–21
Luke 2:7–14
Conclusion: We can and should rejoice in the birth of the Savior and follow the example he set in his youth.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Lesson 2: My Soul Doth Magnify the Lord
Background: Zacharias and his wife, Elisabeth, were Jews who lived near Jerusalem. They obeyed God’s commandments. They were old and had no children. They prayed for a baby. Luke 1:5–7, 13
Zacharias was a priest in the temple. One day an angel named Gabriel came to him and said that God would bless Zacharias and his wife. God would answer their prayers—Elisabeth would have a baby, whom they should name John. Luke 1:8–13, 19
God had work for John to do: He was to tell people about Jesus Christ. John would be a righteous prophet of God. Luke 1:15–17
Zacharias did not believe the angel and said that Elisabeth was too old to have a baby. Gabriel said that she would have a child and that because Zacharias did not believe it, he would not be able to talk until John was born. Luke 1:18–20
• What do you learn about Mary from her conversations with the angel Gabriel and with Elisabeth? (See Luke 1:26–38, 45–49; see also Alma 7:10.) What can you do to follow her example?

• How do the examples of Elisabeth, Zacharias, John the Baptist, Mary, and Joseph help you see the Savior’s greatness and increase your faith in him? How can you help others increase their faith in Jesus Christ?
Suggestion for Family Discussion
Read Luke 1:16, and discuss the importance of helping people “turn to the Lord” by sharing the gospel with them. Make a list of family members or friends who are not members of the Church or who are less-active members of the Church. Pray as a family for guidance in deciding whom you can share the gospel with and how to go about it.
Scripture Chain: Prophecies about John the Baptist
Isaiah 40:3
1 Nephi 10:7–10
Luke 1:13–17
Luke 1:67, 76–79
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Lesson 1: “That Ye Might Believe That Jesus Is the Christ”
Happy New Year!
I hope that everyone had a lovely Christmas and found time to reflect on the Savior's birth. I am posting a nice video that will extend the true Christmas spirit and will help set the stage for our study in the New Testament this year.
Purpose: To encourage class members to strengthen their testimonies of Jesus Christ by studying the New Testament.
• What do you learn about Jesus Christ from John 1:1–3, 14? (Note that “the Word” in John 1:1, 14 refers to the Savior. Use the Joseph Smith Translation of these verses if it is available.)
• The Apostle John said that “in [Jesus] was life” (John 1:4). He also testified that Jesus is “the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world” (John 1:9). How has the Savior given you life and light?
• What accounts or teachings in the New Testament have particularly inspired or helped you? How might studying the New Testament this year help strengthen your testimony of Jesus Christ?
Suggestion for Family Discussion
Read John 1:1–3 or Joseph Smith Translation, John 1:1–3. Explain that Jesus (“the Word” in John 1:1–3) created the earth under Heavenly Father’s direction. Take a walk as a family, giving close attention to the many beauties of creation.
Scripture Chain: Jesus Christ’s Foreordained Mission
John 1:1–5
John 1:9–17
Abraham 3:22–27
Mosiah 3:5–10
Isaiah 61:1–2
Luke 4:16–21
Conclusion: I can assure you that your testimony of the Savior will increase as you seek the Spirit’s guidance in your study of the New Testament and as you come prepared to participate in class discussions.
I am including another video that is worth watching. May the Lord continue to bless you and attend to your individual needs this New Year!